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Although less in demand today than in the 1980s and 90s, the art of marbling has been used in decoration since the time of Michelangelo and is  a skill that all decorative painters should be familiar with.

Featured is a chimney mantle in a Rojo Alicante faux marble.

One  of  my  favorite  marbles  is  the  Portor  (also

called Black and Gold), which we "faux" painted on these elevator hall door frames and console top, featured below.

On this powder room vanity we were commissioned to match the marble countertop. All three front drawer panels are faux painted.

In this dining room panels and trim we opted for a discreet all around marble in the beige tones. It is a kind of fantasy marble borrowing in design from  "brèche" marble veining.

Below we painted the bathroom tiles to imitate a Norwegian Rose Brèche marble. Naturally the finish included several layers of clear varnish.

Some of the marbles we have often been asked to match are in the green marble family, such as these cabinet tops, and trim from various jobs.

Faux marble on baseboards.

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